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There are always things to learn. Above all, when it comes to training methodologies.

The world of fitness, and of Physical Activity in general is subject to constant change. A change in which the new studies have an impact, the advances that exist at the technological level of materials and of course, of fashions.

For this reason we are subject to constant evolution. New trends and the introduction of technological innovations have made a world in which many years ago there were four or five ways of training, these have evolved to such a level that many of those that now exist we have not even tried.

Functional training came with great force to stay in the fitness rooms as one of the most effective methods when it comes to working the ability of movement, the strength of the central area of ​​the body and neuromuscular efficiency.

For this, this type of training uses integrated and multiplanar movements that involve joint acceleration, stabilization and deceleration.

There are an infinity of materials with which to carry out this type of work to exercise ourselves globally.

Balance, coordination, perception of space and a more general stimulation, will be the premises with which we must carry out the use of different materials.

So, if we know that it is a beneficial training to develop our daily life in a more optimal way, and we have in our facilities, diverse and enough materials to be able to carry out an infinite number of different trainings, what is left for us?

Come to the Functional Training Masterclass that will be given in Can Ricart, next December 2 by our specialized technicians.

Not only will they give you a master class on why this type of training is so beneficial, but they will also inform you of what type of sessions can be prepared with this methodology, when to use them, how to plan them, and what materials we have available. we must and can use. But above all, how and in what way to correctly perform dynamic, fun and effective exercises, to get the most out of your workouts, minimizing the risk of injury to the maximum. Of course, with a final implementation, to be able to verify empirically, everything that has been worked on and learned.

Don’t miss it and sign up!


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