Space rental.

The club has multipurpose spaces available for training, meetings, events, classes, filming, and more.

The multipurpose court can be reserved for single events or for entire seasons for sports such as basketball, football, or volleyball, as well as for hosting events. Members of the center receive a special price for club membership.


The pavilion has a space of 1238m². It can be divided into thirds. We also have changing rooms.

  • Full court price (training): as per agreement
  • Full court price (competition): €78.76/hour
  • 1/3 court price (training): as per agreement
  • 1/3 court price (competition): €26.26/hour
  • Single rental for full court (sports): €80.30/hour
  • Single rental for 1/3 court: €30.31/hour
  • Artificial lighting for full court: €23.35hour
  • Artificial lighting for 1/3 court: €8.61
Imatge del pavelló on es veu la porteria i dues canastes
Imatge del pavelló on es veu la porteria
Imatge general de la sala d'activitats dirigides amb la nova tarima negre i ltres aparells
Imatge en blanc i negre de la sala 3 amb els sacs de boxa penjant


Reserve multipurpose rooms with parquet flooring and mirrors.

  • Space: 164m²
  • Climate control (heating and cooling)
  • Sound system
  • Sports rental price: €49.07/hour
  • Non-sports rental price: €59.38/hour


Reserve lanes or the entire pool.

  • Lane depth: 1.25m to 1.95m
  • 8 lanes, each 25m long and 2m wide.
  • Price per lane for entities and clubs: €28.43/hour
  • Price per lane for companies: €59.38/hour
Imatge de la piscina on es veu una de les escales
Imatge de la piscina


As the responsible party for processing the provided data, ASSOCIACIÓ CLUB LLEURESPORT requests explicit consent from the interested party to process their data for the purpose of responding to your inquiry or request. You have the right to access, rectify, and delete your data, as well as to exercise other rights by consulting the detailed information about data protection in our Data Privacy Policy.
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Si vols provar el centre i viure de primera mà l’experiència, escriu-nos al formulari i ens posarem en contacte amb tú. Només vàlid per a persones que no hagin fet ús previ del centre. El club es reserva el dret d’admissió.

As the responsible party for processing the provided data, ASSOCIACIÓ CLUB LLEURESPORT requests explicit consent from the interested party to process their data for the purpose of responding to your inquiry or request. You have the right to access, rectify, and delete your data, as well as to exercise other rights by consulting the detailed information about data protection in our Data Privacy Policy.
We would like your consent to:
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If you want to experience the centre first-hand, fill out the form and we will get in touch with you. Only valid for people who have not previously used the centre. The club reserves the right of admission.

As the responsible party for processing the provided data, ASSOCIACIÓ CLUB LLEURESPORT requests explicit consent from the interested party to process their data for the purpose of responding to your inquiry or request. You have the right to access, rectify, and delete your data, as well as to exercise other rights by consulting the detailed information about data protection in our Data Privacy Policy.
We would like your consent to:
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