Yoga fundamentals.
At CEM Can Ricart we would like to give you the opportunity to expand your knowledge of Yoga, for which reason we have created the first Cycle of Saturday sessions from the month of April to July. The sessions will be organised in the following way:
- April 6: Introduction and practice of sectional breathing and yogic breathing, introduction and practice of the 3 basic types of Surya Namaskar/ hailing the sun.
- May 4: introduction and practice of Ujjayi breathing, introduction and theory of standing flexions (uttanasana), basic standing postures (soldiers and dancing warrior sequence), and standing balances (Vrksasana/ tree posture).
- June 8: preparatory warm-up (revision of Surya Namaskar/ hailing the sun) with practice of Ujjayi breathing, introduction and practice of stretches and bows (Setu Bandhasana/ the bridge, and Urdhva Dhanurasana/ the wheel)
- July 6: preparatory warm-up (revision of Surya Namaskar/ hailing the sun) with practice of Ujjayi breathing, introduction to hand balances (Bakasana/ the crow), inverted postures (Sirsasana/ head stands), and concluding the 4th weekend with introduction and practice of Kapalabati and Anuloma Viloma breathing in preparation for a final short meditation.
Member fee 4 euros
Non-member 6 euros
Closed groups of maximum 12 people
Enrolment at reception required to guarantee a place
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