Next Saturday, May 13th, the first internal Outdoor Box competition will take place.
It is not a competition for Athletes, it is designed for all of us! So, whether you’ve been practicing Crossfit for a while, or if you’ve just started, don’t hesitate and sign up!
The event is designed to have fun, it is about WODS that you will do as a couple, which can be syncro exercises or to distribute (as we have already been doing in the class wods). To be able to give an option to any level, you can sign up for the category that best suits you, SCALED or INTERMEDIATE.
In a “hidden” way since March, we have been working on this training system in pairs, to have unknowingly prepared you for this event, so you have no excuse. Look for your partner in crime, think of a name for your team and sign up on the Box board. If you want to participate, but can’t find a partner, sign up for the individual list and we’ll match you according to levels.
Deadline to register Monday, May 8th.
Obviously, all of you know what’s up after giving everything in the WODS… the POST is always the best #COMMUNITY.
PS: You can bring the public to record videos of you, take pictures of you and see you suffer and enjoy
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