Toy collection.
CEM Can Ricart and CEM Colom, together with your help and support, would like to see that nobody goes without a gift this Christmas. You can grant a wish and make this possible by bringing a gift and taking part in the BIG GIFT COLLECTION from the 11th of December to the 7th of January, so that every child is guaranteed a Christmas full of joy.
We are counting on you all to fill the big gift stocking and achieve this aim.
The gift collection will go to all the bodies that form part of the community sports project of the Raval neighbourhood: // Casal dels Infants per l’acció social als barris. // Associaciò Social Gabella // Casal Infantil Drassanes. // Fundació Centre Obert Joan Salvador Gavina. // Associacio Educativa Integral del Raval. //
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