Raval carnival sports event.
We would like to present the inaugural Raval Carnival sports event organised by CEM Can Ricart, Franja Raval, AE Ciutat Vella, Casal dels Infants, Colectic, APC Raval Sud i APC Raval Nord.
On the 12th of July in the Rambla Raval district we put on various sports activities for young people. The main event was a modernised version of the classic sports challenge, in the middle of the Rambla de Raval there was: a hockey pitch, badminton court and twister.
We would like to give special mention to the final Zumba class in which the Sant Jordi team participated, sharing a very special day with us dedicated to the young people of Raval.
Social Department of CEM Can Ricart y CEM Colom.
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