As of February 20, we invite you to flow, relax, feel-you… start Aero Yoga.
The setmana of the 20 to the 24 of February we begin both ports open because you prove the our study. And you can register at the reception of the CEM Can Ricart center.
As of February 27, the workshops will begin. The workshops are 2 sessions of 60 minutes a week, for €56 per subscriber and 10% more for non-subscribers and are reduced groups of 8 people.
The hours are the following:
- Dilluns i Wednesday 11:00 to 12:00
- Dimarts i dijous 18:00 to 19:00
The workshops will be tancat groups, initiating the practice with an Aero Yoga d’iniciació, which will progress according to the group’s technical advancement.
Aero Yoga Initiation:
A class at a calm and specific pace helps us to develop a good base and understanding of the basic postures and the seva respiració fent de aeroioga a deep, pleasant and fun physical practice.
Next, we will give you a brief explanation of what Aero Yoga a Can Ricart is and will be, written by Silvia, Yoga instructor from Colom i Can Ricart.
L’Aero Yoga is a method that fuses yoga, dance, pilates and the air arts with the use of a sling that acts as a swing that supports the hips for flexions cap endavant and cap enrere. This style allows you to stretch and strengthen the muscles respecting the joints and avoiding the compression of the vertebrae
Benefits of Aero Yoga: facilitates the flexion and stretching of all the chest in all directions during the movements, the muscles and the joints will be strengthened and rehabilitated, the spine is decompressed while the chest is released, reactivates the nerve circulation, increases your flexibility and rejuvenates your brain. Yoga in general, and Aero Yoga in particular, is promoted as beneficial for physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual health.
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