Wod 30′.
You were warned and we keep what we promise! We told you that February would bring news and here you have it.
It’s already out on the grill, and it’s here to stay in the fitness room as one of your favorite activities, the WOD 30′.
Wod is the acronym in English for Workout of the day, and as it indicates, it is the daily training that we will offer you in the fitness room of our centers so that you can complete your daily training or substitute it if what you need is a peak of intensity and you have little time.
You just have to come with sportswear, desire to train and a spirit of improvement, the rest is taken care of by our technicians and technicians.
30 minutes of training, high intensity, group cohesion through the interaction between subscribers and our technicians and techniques, diversity in each training session and specificity for each one of you, without failing to give it a fun point in the session of the day.
But in addition to this you will have at your disposal one day a week a special session of complex exercise technique in which you will receive theoretical-practical training on how to perform them to later add them to your training program.
The Wod 30′ will be distributed throughout the week with the following modalities so that you can train differently every day:
– AMRAP: “AS hand you receive possible” Maximum Repetitions possible in a certain time
– TABATA: High intensity interval training format 20” work 10” rest 8 rounds = 4 minutes
– PARTNER WOD: High intensity training to achieve the goal in pairs.
– TECHNIQUE: Explanation, execution and correction of the execution technique of complex exercises
Now all that remains is for you to come, try them and repeat as many times as possible!
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