Hypopresive course.
Are you worried about any of these issues? Postural reeducation, strengthening of the pelvic floor, improvement of diastase between the rectus abdominis, improves intestinal transit … We have the solution!
We started a new hypopressive abdominal workshop at CEM Can Ricart.
Hypopressive abdominal gymnastics (GAH) is a system for toning the abdominal muscles, the pelvic floor and the stabilizers of the spine.Breathing in hypopressive exercises is the main axis of the session, so that through it we can activate the muscles that stabilize the entire lumbar and abdominal part of the body. The duration of the sessions is 45 minutes with a monitor specialized in hypopressive techniques.
Learn the training system that integrates posture, breathing and body awareness adapted to all types of audiences and levels.
If you are interested in being part of this new workshop, come and find out and check the prices and hours at the reception of the center.
We will wait for you!
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