Solidarity Christmas with the social department.
This December was unbeatable, thanks to your participation and collaboration we managed to collect more than 320kg of food, which was given to the project Primary and Domestic Aid to Families at Risk of Social Exclusion, run by the Montalegre Social Work body, plus more than 350 children’s toys that were donated to the Raval Childhood Project.
Montalegre Social Work and the volunteers that regularly visit families in their homes, thereby establishing an ongoing relationship that promotes trust and helps those families, want to express their gratitude. So with this year’s collection, a service will be provided to more than 40 families in our immediate vicinity, fostering and improving their alimentation, allowing them to better their way of life.
The Raval Childhood Project wants to thank you too, the neighbourhood socio-educational bodies supported by which are the following: Casal Abierto Joan Salvador Gavina, Fundación Social del Raval, centre for social work in the neighbourhood, Centro Abierto Casal Infantil Estrella de Assis and Casal Infantil Drassanes. Together we’ve succeeded in being great solidary Santas, granting many a child their Christmas wish.
The team at CEM Can Ricart and CEM Colom would further like to thank you.
Together we better ourselves and grow
The Social Department
CEM Can Ricart and CEM Colom
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