VI edition of the Athletic Race.
We would like to present the 6th edition of the Athletic Race for the Raval Neighbourhood Street Party organised by both CEM Can Ricart and Franja Raval.
These races are run over various distances, 1200 metres, 600 metres and 100 metres, and juniors between 12 and 18 and 8 to 12 can take part in a 600 metre race.
The race takes place on Friday July 13th in the Rambla de Raval from 9 in the morning to 13.00, as part of our annual neighbourhood street party. All participants will be given a number and there will be activities, a shaded area and a relaxation area between races. There will also be a closing Zumba performance under the care of our technicians from CEM Can Ricart, plus another little surprise.
CEM Can Ricart and CEM Colom Social Department
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