Lleuresport Games.
Effort, sacrifice, motivation, enthusiasm, collaboration, confidence, those are the the ingredients which brings us the inspiration to organize the Lleurosport Games of this year.
When ww thought in organize a competition that was ours, we got very clear what we expected from each participant and from us, the same.
From you, we wanted to know what are you made from, and how far you will arrive. From us, we want to do it as well as possible, in order to ofganize a motivation and fun prove, where people could enjoyed.
The games were an exit, lot of people participated, and lot of them satisfied too.
From your smile ,finishing the games, borns our enthusiasm to organize another prove as soon as possible.
Lleurosport wants to thanks all people that made it possible.
The soul of an event like this are you, the users of ours gyms. You trusted in us, and you put the best of each one, to transform it, in a party.
For this reason we want to thanks every body, and commit us to organize new proves, pretending to be better and newer in each one.
In different modalities we want that Effort, sacrifice, motivation, enthusiasm, collaboration, and confidence will be the values that join us in each prove.
Thanks all participants.
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