Holiday training.
It’s not always possible to go to the gym when we are out of the house, but it is possible to take the situation in hand
Now that the holidays are approaching, we recommend a series of exercises that you can do wherever you are.
The routine is made up of 5 exercises, for each of which you will have to perform the maximum number of repetitions possible in one minute. You will have to repeat each exercise 4 times and rest for 30 seconds after each minute of exercise.
A good way to warm up is by doing the famous JJ (Jumping Jacks). This exercise consists of a series of jumps opening the legs and clapping the hands together above your head.
There is no better exercise for working out your lower body. Remember that to perform this exercise correctly you should feel the weight of your body in the soles of your feet without falling forward.
Rest your elbows on the floor and align your shoulder blades with your elbows. Try to keep your body as straight as possible, in the form of ironing board.
The initial position is standing and the following movement is to drop swiftly to the plank position on the floor, flexing your arms as you do so. From this position you should contract your legs and spring back to vertical with your arms extended towards the ceiling.
Dedicate 30 minutes a day during your holidays and you will return relaxed, refreshed, tanned and revitalised.
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