Grit series.
At CEM CAN RICART we’re offering the perfect activity to add to your routine. One more incentive to help strive to reach your goals. We’re talking about GRIT SERIES, 3 types of HIIT workout (strength, plyometrics and cardio) that demand maximum effort in as little as 30 minutes of body work, to get the most out of High Intensity Interval Training.
HIIT has lately become a global phenomenon in the world of fitness. The physical benefits and the short time required to achieve them have turned it into one of the most sought after activities in recent times. But what is HIIT? As the acronym states, High Intensity Interval Training. This means training for short periods of time at maximum intensity, where recovery time is truncated and the total session time thereby shortened.
Some of the benefits of Grit Series are:
- Increase VO2 (maximal oxygen uptake) which enhances cardiovascular capacity
- Fat loss due to metabolic impact on the body and the resulting expenditure of fatty acids and glycogen
- Work on both fast and slow fibres amounting to a complete workout
- Hormonal impact due to body work performed, stimulating the entire hormonal system leading to better protein synthesis and enhanced metabolisation of fats, helping us to achieve better physical constitution and muscle gain
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