Jingle Veevo.
On December 21, let’s celebrate with you the Nadal! And the best way to have energy is burning calories with a Veevo crawler!
At 7:00 p.m. we will do a crawl that will consist of doing:
- Maximum burpees in one minute
- Maximum number of jabs in a minute
- Maximum number of crosses in one minute.
- Maximum number of burpees + jab cross in one minute.
The winner will be imported as a gift a set of Veevo Experience to be super equipped in the classes of 2023 and gaudir of the experience in all levels.
To finish we will do a special Veevo Tabata class.
What is the tabata method? It is a type of interval training in which you work at maximum intensity for 20 seconds.
You can come with a guest!!! Sign up through the app!
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