CEMs open their doors this weekend!
On May 14 and 15, CEM Colom and CEM Can Ricart will open their doors to anyone who wants to try out the sports facilities and get to know the centers.
We will also have a special promotion for all those who want to be part of our family and sign up on these dates.
We will also have special activities! The weekend activities that will take place on May 14 are as follows:
CEM Colom:
- 10.30 Yoga
- 12:30 Cross Colom
CEM Can Ricart:
- 10am and 11am Pool series training
- 12.05h Global Training
- 13.05h Cycle
- 17h Zumba strong
- 6pm Cross Can Ricart
The instructors and technicians are waiting for you, eager to do sports together!
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